Thursday, June 18, 2009


One of my biggest issues is the games people play. Both women and men. So, why is it that people can't just be straight up with one another? Holla at me...


  1. I think a lot of times people are scared of making themselves vulnerable. They force themselves to keep a distance by playing games.

  2. I think you have a great point... The games really don't give you any type of advantage one way or another in a relationship...

  3. I think people play games because they never want to feel submissive towards the other person, it's almost as if playing the game is a control factor allowing one to feel like they're always in control and like leigh said, not vulnerable to to the situation.

  4. I think sometimes people play games, to see where you stand and sometimes its just the fact that they are not women or man enough to keep it real because its all about getting what they want. If you ask my personal opinion, when this happens, it just lets me know that there is more growing up to be done..

  5. I agree with you Toya about the immaturity that comes with the playing of these games. And trust me, maturity does not necessarily come with age...
