Marriage, in my opinion, is the one contract that people in these days and times do not honor and has become more a part of the legal system than that of the spiritual. Marriage is seen as an easy way to get a tax write-off than a way to become closer to what God has for the two that are united as one. With that being said I ask this question: Is there hope for marriage in today's society to truly survive? Why has marriage not worked for those now 50 some odd percent of people that have to endure the wrenching emotional turmoil of divorce and separation? Speak up... (R.I.P. MJ)
It seems people today get married, but don't really consider it a full commitment. It is too easy to just call it quits. Perhaps people look at it wrong, deciding to marry, knowing if it doesn't work out, they can just get a divorce. They say the words like till death we do part, but they mean till we get sick of each other.
ReplyDeleteDon't get me wrong, there are reasons for divorce. But, if you mean it when you marry, then you should try harder when you hit a bump. The question you posted was so hard, because those things are all important, an if you have them all, chances are you can make it through anything with your spouse.
We learn from example. If you see all the role models in your life calling it quits, you are more likely to believe it is an option. I believe in marriage. My parents have been together for 38 years this July. They set the example for me. It can work. When I say I do in September, I will mean it.
While I wholeheartedly agree with you, I must say that the role models in my life have not painted a pretty picture of marriage for me. Though I still believe in the sanctity of marriage, I have held back from truly wanting to be married for fear that I would get hurt and that pain would be too much to bear. My role models have made it clear that their interests and agenda come first and some part of me feels that the same spirit of selfishness resides within me. I don't want someone to feel the way my mother, my aunts and my friends have been made to feel by the men and women in their lives. What do you say to someone that believes that marriage shouldn't be taken lightly, shouldn't be put off as an after thought and afraid to believe marriage is something that could enhance two souls instead of diminish them?