Saturday, June 20, 2009

Liar, liar pants on fire...

Okay, so let me go ahead and say that I've told my fair share of lies in my relationships and I have found myself, as I'm sure many others have, justifying those lies as sparing one's feelings, protecting one from the truth or trying to cover my own ass. That being said, is there any situation that a lie could truly be the right thing to do? If so, let us all know the situation you were in that may have justified it or the scenario that makes it so... Paint a pretty picture...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Why is it so difficult for people in a difficult situation to simply end that relationship? Do you stay trying to save the relationship or does the respect of yourself trump that all together? Talk to me people...


One of my biggest issues is the games people play. Both women and men. So, why is it that people can't just be straight up with one another? Holla at me...